Hi there,
I’m James Smith or as my online moniker goes “Osiris”. Since a child I’ve always loved Egyptian mythology hence me choosing one of the ancient deity’s.
By day I’m the Head of Offensive security for an award winning cyber security firm. There I head up all things penetration testing and as an ethical hacker myself I also get to break things from time to time.
I’m also a massive Linux fanboy with specific interest in the Fedora project, I’m also one of their UK ambassador’s and have been for a number of years.
I’m also an active member in IRC and normally idle in a number of servers and channels especially Libera and 2600net.
I’ve been involved with the 2600 magazine for a number of years mainly in moderation of it’s Facebook page which had around 80k members, I also used to administrate and operate the UK leaf of their IRC network.
This blog was mainly for me to jot down bits and pieces but it’s been neglected as of late and I’m hoping to change that in 2022.
I hope some of these posts help some of you out there.