Penetration Testing Lab Whether you have a fully virtual organisation consisting of several different machines or the odd virtualised box you’re using to explore or freshen up on certain skills. They’re great fun and an asset to any security tester. Having your own lab is a great way to perform […]
Tag: Penetration Testing
Wardriving with Kismet, GPS and Google Earth.
Efficient Time Based Blind SQL Injection using MySQL Bit Functions and Operators
I was performing some penetration tests in 2011 – 2012 against various PHP applications integrated with MySQL databases which were vulnerable to Time Based Blind SQL Injection. Due to various constraints and limitations, exploitation was a little tricky and I was forced to investigate a method which allowed me to […]
Executing Metasploit & Empire Payloads from MS Office Document Properties (part 2 of 2)
Building on from my previous post, this will primarily focus on delivering an Empire payload via an embedded offensive PowerShell script stored within the ‘comments’ property of an MS Excel document. PowerShell Empire: Begin by creating an Empire listener, see Empire’s documentation on how to get started with this by […]
Executing Metasploit & Empire Payloads from MS Office Document Properties (part 1 of 2)
As a penetration tester I’m always excited to see new and creative methods on creating weaponized MS Office documents. This blog post builds on the following findings published by Black Hills InfoSec: There are numerous ways on how MS Office documents can be abused and weaponised to deliver […]